Thursday, March 31, 2011

Opening Day

It is simply . . . the greatest day of the year.

Here is a simple take on Opening Day written many years ago by your humble blogger; followed by the poem "365" written by Hall of Fame Cardinal Broadcaster Jack Buck.

Enjoy the day baseball fans. I know I will.

Opening Day
As winter drags on
It’s still months away
My most important, most special,
Most favorite all time day

February comes,
And my thoughts of warmth begin
I think of Florida and Arizona
Where the gentle breezes blow in

The boys of summer
Begin to stretch
They begin to throw
They begin to catch

I watch the news
And surf the net
For any pictures and stories
That I can get

Then March arrives
And they start keeping score
Oh, it’s only for practice
But it keeps me wanting more

Three weeks away
Then two, then one
Oh, the anticipation
Of that first hit and run

The night before arrives
I can’t breathe, I can’t sleep
Tommorrow’s the day
I hope my team hits one deep

I open my eyes and
I see the sun’s first ray
It’s finally here
It’s Opening Day

Better than Christmas
Better than birthdays
Baseball’s new season has begun
The best of all days

I arrive at the park, I close my eyes
I smell the grass of green
I hear the sounds of bat and ball
I imagine, and feel, the scene

It’s finally here, I can see it all
My grin is from ear to ear
The players take the field, the ump shouts “Play Ball!”
It’s my favorite day of the year.

365 by Jack Buck
When someone asks you your favorite sport
And you answer Baseball in a blink
There are certain qualities you must possess
And you're more attached than you think.
In the frozen grip of winter
I'm sure you'll agree with me
Not a day goes by without someone
Talking baseball to some degree.
The calendar flips on New Year's Day
The Super Bowl comes and it goes
Get the other sports out of the way
The green grass and the fever grows.
It's time to pack a bag and take a trip
To Arizona or the Sunshine State
Perhaps you can't go, but there's the radio
So you listen-you root-you wait.
They start the campaign, pomp and pageantry reign
You claim the pennant on Opening Day

From April till fall
You follow the bouncing white ball
Your team is set to go all the way.
They fall short of the series
You have a case of the "wearies"
And need a break from the game
But when Christmas bells jingle
You feel that old tingle
And you're ready for more of the same.
It will be hot dogs for dinner
Six months of heaven, a winner
Yes, Baseball has always been it.
You would amaze all your friends
If they knew to what ends
You'd go for a little old hit.
The best times you're had
Have been with your Mom and your Dad
And a bat and a ball and a glove.

From the first time you played
Till the last time you prayed
It's been a simple matter of love

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